All Emotions are good.
We tend to divide them to good emotions and less desired emotions.

To emotions we want to feel (joy, happiness, enthusiasm, love)
And emotions that are really uncomfortable to feel (pain, jealousy, anger, self-pity, guilt, fear and so on).

Little baby experiences a range of emotions without attaching them stories.
One second he is happy, the next moment disturbed, other moment he feels pain, next moment curious. It is easy to see on his face what he experience and he doesn't try to hide it.
He also does not create a big story from the emotion. He experiences it and it goes and flow.

As Adults our emotions are linked to things that happened and we have created a significant story that is focused on why we are hurt.

Instead of bringing a pure attention to the emotions we fight them or make them a problem, a self-identity or creating from them a continuous story. Sometimes all it takes it to experience the emotion as it is.

The words "To Experience the emotion" are usually confusing to the reader. The average person might think that experiencing the emotion, means to be the feeling. He recalled situations in which he felt anger, pain, despair and think Feeling the emotion, means to suffer again and give these feelings and emotions to take over. And mainly to suffer ;)

To experience the emotion is more like a situation where I am kind of a peaceful space that every feeling that comes - I'm glad to meet him, not thinking this is a problem, not trying to fight or resist, not becoming the PR of the emotion, and not creating a story about it.
I Agree to feel how this emotion feels in my body in that moment, when it is present.

When I feel emotion, I'm not trying to analyze it through the thoughts, but I let myself to feel it.
If there is an emotion, it has a physical experience. So I check where I can feel this emotion in the body, I breath to it or experience the unique physical sensations that appear when it is present.

If you want to feel your body but finding it difficult and instead you are focusing on thoughts, just start by noting that, without having to criticize yourself or see it as a problem.
The stream of thoughts, as interesting as it may be, is only a stream of thoughts.
The ability to think is Excellent when we use it. When it uses us and we feel we are the thinking, it limits us.

When we decide to feel our body, it helps to let go of the internal dialogue (we can always return to what concerns us later), to know we don't need to respond to sentences from within (thoughts) and to pay attention to the sensations in the body.

The human tendency is to make emotions as a problem or an enemy. Then to fight /deny /ignore certain emotions that we feel not comfortable with them.
When we are no longer afraid of the emotions and not feeling the need to fight them, we agree to give space to any emotion, without being addicted or making it into something big.

For example: Today I have instructed me and Noa while walking in a quiet and pleasant park. We sat on a bench and i asked us to focus on our physical sensations and emotions now.

We both had emotions that made us feel physical sensations of discomfort, pain and the like. There was a lot of internal mess in this situation.
We continued our practice while walking together. I reminded us that emotions didn't arise to annoy us and it's like a little boy crying and scared that just wants to be huged and given love.
And that we can apply the same thing to ourselves. This was very relaxing and our relationship with the emotion became Pleasant, while our clarity and peacefulness was deepened.

I mentioned that it's like we had inside a little crying child and a scared child, and an anxious child, and a hurt child and we should only give love to each. one of them. If a hurt child would have come, we would not have been angry at him and tell him to go away. And the same thing we should give ourselves.

We were walking while being surrounded with a beautiful landscape, that now was more seen.
We realized that the essence is to feel the emotion and the body, and love what we see. In the end it all ends up with allowing and granting the emotion to be and loving it.