Michal helped me to Relax. Move step by step. Trusting myself

At the peak of the stress of the end of my senior year I met a woman with blue eyes smiling, by chance, in my workplace.
A conversation was created, the woman introduced herself as michal, she said she is a life coach and does personal training.

My eyes opened wide! It's been a while I am saying to myself, my friends and the universe that i need a life coach!
Someone that will show up and do some order in all the chaos of my life, which includes just everything! Work, studies, money, self-esteem, compliance with obligations and more and more and more ..

Almost immediately a meeting was scheduled at the home of Michal. this was a period of peak pressure in my life, in my despair I could not even see the light or the end.
Michal helped me. To relax. To move step by step. Trust myself to assess my knowledge, and again mainly to relax ..

I know and sure that I couldn't go through this period succesfully, without the guidance of Michal, which in turn was there for me with advices, balanced exercises, understanding and a blue smile.. this is opportunity to thank you.