In the past month I have been receiving remote healing from Michal

In the past month I have been receiving remote healing from Michal. 

Before the beginning of treatments, I was requested to come up with 5 topics.
Today, when I looked back again for a moment, after 4 sessions, I found that there has been an incredible Improvement in 3 of these topics.

It is interesting how good energy can change our lives. I wish to share one of these changes: I had some unpleasant and already red looking spots between my eye and nose. A few years ago I had a cancer tumor in that same area, which was removed. In the first session I suddenly felt extremely faint; it took me some time to understand that it may have been caused by the treatment.
I called Michal and apparently this weakness was there exactly during the treatment. The next morning I looked in the mirror and could not believe my eyes: all of the redness on the small lumps accumulated on my nose bone just disappeared. 

This month a few good things happened to me, I believe something in me opened up as a result of the treatment, something enabling me not to take turtle steps, but move to an elephants' walk: strong, motherly, and naughty."

Thank you Michal,